Friday, February 4, 2011

A Brick IN the Wall or Cat ON the Wall ??

Today’s Working Professional: (Brick IN the Wall or .. Cat ON the Wall :) ) ???..
One day I was trying some photography and got the opportunity to click this snap.

This made me think, if I this picture is a reflection of something in my life.

In the background I saw "Bricks in the wall". I could relate the bricks to myself ("A Small
component") of the Wall  ("A Huge organization"). I also noticed three kittens ,sitting
on a wall curiously looking at the other side, Just as most of the working guys keep
 looking for opportunities in other firms :).

Though most of my work experience has been in the corporate Industry ( IT Industry to be
precise ).I guess the question ( Brick or CAT ??) could flash in minds of people from other
industries too.

After working for few years, I am totally immersed into the work and daily routine.
I start identifying myself with the name of Company that I work for.I am lost in the crowd.
At some point in time, I find myself to be insignificant ,when compared to the whole firm.
This is when I start feeling like just another Brick in the Wall.

And when I realize that I am just another Brick, I try to convert myself into a Cat on the
wall.I start by evaluating my current skills and experience and doing some market
research, I passively start looking out for more challenging opportunities.All set to jump
and grab onto some other wall (firm), Never willing to Look Back.

"Sometimes (specially during downturn) The Wall itself is Quick to Pick and Kick a few Bricks out ;) "

The cycle goes on, It could be a jump from one Firm to another Firm, or sometimes from one Country to another Country. Most of the times, the Brick just wants to stick to a wall . But that Cat in us always wants to jump to the next Wall and feel Tall :).

I started to wonder if I could call myself A "Brick in the wall" or "Cat on the wall" ?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Monk who wants to buy a Ferrari

I have been lucky to have few good friends a few good experiences and few hardships. Life so far has been a mix of ups and downs. Still there was something missing, I always wanted to learn more about spirituality, but was afraid that it means to become a Monk. And a Monk, I always thought, must leave all the worldly pleasures. I never really wondered much about wandering into the spritual lanes.

Until one day when circumstances made me set out to discover inner self. After meeting many learned scholars and interacting with many people who met and read about great saints, I started to wonder if I understood what it all means " To understand oneself ". Should I really let go everything that I earned, or everything that yearn to earn ?

I want to be at peace with myself and I still want to buy a "Ferrari", I want to run after my dreams. My dream might not be to buy a Ferrari, but to do something for which I must enter the rat race. I learned in a Yoga ashram that I need to keep my mind under control, not let the mind stress out. The mind stresses out because it repeats the same thought millions of times. The trick to success is to trick the mind into calmness.

I feel one can stay at peace and be as happy as a Monk and still work towards one's goals. For all we know , our purpose of this birth might be to buy a Ferrari and inspire many souls to work hard :).